Check the News page for latest info and upcoming gigsMontmartre Copenhagen
New CD March 2019Warren Vache:  Songs Our Fathers Taught UsARBORS-RECORDS INC ARCD: 19464 Available at arbors webshop
I'm very happy and honored to be on an album of Warren Vaché who is one of my absolute favorite musicians. Also features Neal Miner - bass, Steve Williams - drums Tunes:
Melancholy Baby, Key Largo, Love Locked Out, I Love You, Warm Valley,
Birks' Works, Felicidade, The More I See You, Deep Night, Blue Room,
There Is No Music (For Me), Slow Boat To China
Nyt projekt :Klassisk møder jazz. Tre markante og forskellige musikere danner trio. Michala Petri – Jacob Fischer – Charlotte AnderssonTre markante musikere med stærk tilknytning til de nordiske lande danner nu trio. Michala
Petri på alverdens blokfløjter og Charlotte Andersson på saxofon og
sang har igennem flere år spillet ældre musik, kraftigt inspireret af
folkemusik. De samarbejder nu med Jacob Fischer – kendt som en af
landets mest kompetente jazz-guitarister og for sine helt særlige evner
til at improvisere. De har alle spillet sammen før i forskellige
konstellationer men mødes nu i en trio, hvor nedskrevet klassisk musik
møder improvisation. Sidstnævnte har været ignoreret på den klassiske
scene de sidste mange år – hvilket er en fejl. For improvisationens
tonesprog skal bruges, inddrages og leges med ind i de ældre, stærke
melodier fra Danmark og det høje nord.
En koncert med Trioen
byder derfor både på ren folkemusik og på jazz/klassisk musik gennem
tiderne. Også på musikalske improvisationer fra de genrer, hvor de tre
musikere har deres bedste kompetencer: Barokken – folkemusik –
nykomponeret musik – jazz. Det er derfor ikke en ren jazzkoncert – ej heller en klassisk. Det er muntert, inderligt – men også højtideligt. For musikken rummer alt dette.
Live Teaterbygningen Køge præsenterer Petri-Fischer-Andersson søndag den 5. maj 2019, kl. 19:30
New CD
Jacob Fischer ... In New York City
release of my second album for Arbors records in the US.
some of the best musicians from the east coast in a selection of
wonderful standards in fresh and inventive arrangements. The
classic mellow sound of vibes and guitar spiced up with a bit of
Django and some bluesy slide guitar. All on the classical nylon string
guitar. Great rhythm section work by Webber and Wilson and Chuck Redd is one swinging vibes player.
Recorded at Avatar studios.
4/5 star review from DIG jazz sweden "..Jacob Fischers ”In New York City”
is a well worked-out and actually also somewhat different album, well
worth to discover and include even in the most selective of record
collections. Jacob is without a doubt one of our "great scandinavian
Review jazzspecial (in danish)
Available at Arbors webshop
For europæiske kunder kan den også købes her
Jacob Fischer - guitar
Chuck Redd - vibes
John Webber - bass
Matt Wilson - drums
Jacob Fischer
X-mas Friends CD available
info - listen -
downloads - press
collection of both American and Scandinavian Christmas
songs in imaginative arrangements. Performed in a lyrical and humorous
way that appeals to a wide audience but also music on a very high level
performed by some of Denmarks top jazz musicians..
trio with Francesco Calí :
..Jazz with a mediterranean
at his most Djangoesque - Sicilian Accordionist Francesco Calì adds a
charming mediterranean flavour to the music which covers Jacob Fischer
originals with gypsy as well as brazilian inspirations , some wonderful
Nina Rota scores from Fellinis movies and
some well chosen standards.
"..Without a
doubt album of the year for me, and a masterpiece that goes directly to
the heart !"
5/5***** Lasse
Seger Orkester Journalen Sweden
Sure, there are traces of Django in Fischer's rapid acoustic runs and
glissandi. But above all it's the sound of Fischer. His imaginative,
harmonically and melodically sophisticated playing is his own, as is
his outstanding chordal work.."
4 1/2 /5
DIG jazz
Fischer trio feat. Svend Asmussen
critically acclaimed and bestselling CD from 2008.
My regular trio with Hugo Rasmussen on bass and
Janus Templeton on drums and as special guest on 6 tunes
the legend Svend Asmussen
on violin.
more info
reviews and soundclips